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7. In the round zodiac of Dendera there are 2 figures with arrows:

First we have Sagittarius (blackmarked at top above) and at winter solstice as I interpret the picture. He aims his arrow at the 'dry old carapace' of the preceding Scorpio (almost all figures are looking backwards - the future cannot be seen):

The reason for his bow and arrow should now be easy to understand. As when the king on Hawaii at winter solstice is threatened by a deadly spear the intention is to get some action (life) back into the old calabash. Move quickly or die! At winter solstice the king must be motivated.

Nowadays Scorpio is not at winter solstice, but once upon a time it must have been. Spring equinox comes 3 months (zodiacal signs) later than winter solstice and north of the equator it today means Pisces, i.e. Sagittarius is at winter solstice:

The Dendera zodiac was conceived at the beginning of the age of Pisces and therefore the powerful newborn Spring Sun could have been imagined to kill the old year when he was inhabiting Scorpio. We do not have to move far back in time, because the signs are still with us.

The astrological sign for Mars has a 'spear' rising up front and he can therefore impersonate the reborn Sun of growth and 'multiplying'. In mythology he is an immensely strong boy who already in his 'cradle' can work mighty deeds:

The astrological sign of Scorpio shows in contrast a small arrow lying 'flat on its face':

An imaginative picture based on the round Dendera zodiac has been constructed using Babylonian star maps (ref.:

We can easily find Sagittarius (practically identical with the Egyptian version) and also the Babylonian constellation Bow which is a parallel to the 2nd (bluemarked) figure with arrow in the Dendera zodiac. Below Pabilsag (Sagittarius) is the Cargo Boat constellation, which - I suspect - corresponds to 'the cradle' of the Strong Boy.

The position of the 2nd archer (Bow) is surely at summer solstice, when also Spring Sun has stopped in his path. In the drawing above it looks as if the True Shepherd of Anu (Orion) is going to be killed. I think this is wrong, because by looking at the zodiac of Dendera we can see the arrow rather to be aimed at the perching solstice bird (Arrow in Babylon), which certainly makes better sense:

The name Arrow indicates how closely connected they are, the ideas of a quickly moving bird (manu rere) and its opposite, the stuffed up old bird (manu uru) perching still on a pole.